Game I made for The Arbitrary Gamejam (TAG) #8. The themes were "Deprive | Cow | Detectable", with a special rule "Procedural". For more info see here.
March 2014: It's the first time I used LibGDX (last time I used something new to; I like trying new things) for a game, and I didn't have too much time (did this in approx. 24 hours), but it was still a lot of fun. LibGDX seems like an (albeit sometimes hacky) solid framework which I think I will be using a lot in the future. As an exercise I will probably port this to android and web later :-) Hooray for LibGDX! \:D/
December 2017: After the jam I remember porting the game without much trouble to Android, which was nice. I didn't end up porting it to web though, if I recall correctly. I also lost the source along the way, shucks.
Pieces of incoming food need to be send to the corresponding animal. But which piece of food goes where? That's up for you to find out! One hint:
It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot, especially since I was using LibGDX for the second time for a gamejam. Comparing to the first time I used it (The Arbitrary Gamejam of february if I recall correctly), I think I did a lot better this time.
It's written in java, the game is contained in a .jar, so it should be cross-platform... Right?
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In Bunny Killer you may save the world from mutated, evil bunnies. You can do this by shooting them, with the fluffy, non-evil bunnies. We made this game for fun during a gamejam in 2017. It features a couple of levels, different enemies, dialog options and custom art, animations and music.
And bunnies, lots of bunnies 🐰🐰🐰. The playtime is about 5-10 minutes, and it's pretty fun!
Made by: Willem Siers, Michiel Bakker, Ruben Haasjes, Hanne Oosterhuis, and Bob Rubbens.
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